diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall

We don't need no education 
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher leave them kids alone
Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall

We don't need no education 
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher leave us kids alone
Hey! Teacher! Leave us kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall

All in all you're just another brick in the wall

"Another Brick in the Wall” is about children not wanting to go to school, get an education and not let themselves be bossed by teachers
According to the band, the "wall" is the self-isolating barrier we build over the course of our lives, and the "bricks in the wall" are the people and events that turn us inward and away from others.
The song equates "education" with "thought control" – that's exactly how education is used in all kinds of real-life situations throughout history.
The song represents the frustration with oppressive authority figures, fear of brainwashing through the education system – struck a chord in a country where much of the population had no voice. 

dissabte, 15 de novembre del 2014

Climate change

Spain is one of the European countries most affected by climate change. Some species could disappear, others proliferate, and many would suffer economic sectors, and increase risks to health. One of the direct effects of climate change in our country is the disappearance or alteration of ecosystems. Also, the increase in temperature will allow the proliferation of exotic species.
Climate change also presents health risks. First, cold waves and extreme heat will be more extreme and lasting, so predictably more lives will be charged. Furthermore, the increase in temperature will favor the living conditions of various types of mosquitoes and their ability to transmit infectious diseases.
I think companies should take responsibility with environment, I think that is impossible to stop the effects but at least slow down them.

dissabte, 1 de novembre del 2014

Are Olympics, and similar events, a good way of bringing nations together?

The Olympics offer a good view of many cultures to people/viewers around the world. This limited exposure of two weeks more or less to the culture of China in addition to the various other nations whose athletes' stories and personalities we get to know from the televised coverage of the games is a positive step in the direction of chipping away at the walls of prejudice and bigotry that divide cultural, racial, religious, and national groups.

The Olympic games is an invaluable forum where the nations of the world can come together under one roof and compete together at the highest level athletically bereft of the violence and destruction that tends to accompany political or religious conflicts.

diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2014

Description of a person

Wylona Hayashi is my favorite fashion blogger. She’s 22 and lives in Seoul.
When you look at her the first that you notice is her big blue eyes and her red lips. She has pale skin and wavy long dark hair. She’s short and skinny.
She’s very creative and intelligent. However, she is sensitive and surprisingly shy.
Wylona likes photography and music. When she has free time she always goes to a restaurant with her friends. She likes to wear dark clothes and skinny jeans.
When she was a child, she had a very difficult life, when she was 8 her mum died and her dad left her house.

dilluns, 6 d’octubre del 2014


The computer is the great invention of 20th century. With a computer you can write a text and send it to someone instantly, visit exotic places without traveling there or search information (and also play videogames). So it's an essential tool for everyone. 
I think that for "digital natives" it's impossible to live without a computer (including tablets and smartphones) because we were born in a world where having a computer is basic for education or for some jobs, so we depend on computers.
However if only computers "desapears" (not internet and smartphones) I believe that it's totally feasible because in my view smartphones will replace PCs.
In conclusion, nowadays it's impossible to love without computers and all stuff that includes it.