Explain your dream trip.
It would be arround the world visiting the most important cities like Tokyo, London, New York...

Think of something you wish had never been invented / discovered.
I wish nuclear weapons had never invented

Imagine you could choose to have a supernatural gift. What would you choose and why?
I would like to control the time stoping it or going back in time.. 

If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
I wouldn't ask anything because I don't believe in God.

What would you do and how would you feel if you were mugged in the middle of the street? Explain.
I probably would panic and run as far as I could. I think I would feel so bad and unsafe. 

Would you like to attend a single-sex school? Explain
No, I think this is an old concept that doesn't fits to today's society. 

If you had to take a person to a first date, what would you organize?
I would invite him to my house and order something to eat. Then we would play videogames. 

Do you believe we have free will? Do we really make our own choices or are we influenced by other factors (society, friends, family, people in authority …). In your opinion, what factors influence the way you think and behave?
I think we are influenced by other humans because we are social animals so is a natural thing on us. I think the most influensive factors are astetic or related to opinions. 

What is the worst T.V. show you have seen? Explain.
The worst TV show I've ever seen is "Supervivientes". I think it's borring. Also most of the famus people there are stupid. 

Unmarried couples should have the same rights as married couples. Give your opinion.
Yes because nowadays most of people doesn't want to marry.

If you were on holidays and you met someone you would never see again, would you invent stories to make yourself more interesting? Explain.
No, it's not necessary to make stories to make myself more interesting it's better being yourself.

If a friend forgot to give you back 10 euros he had borrowed, What would you do?
I would remember him that he have my 10€. 

If you could be somewhere else at this moment, where would you be and what would you be doing?
I would be iving in Los Angeles because is always sunny and it's a cool place to live. 

If you were an animal, which one would you like to be? Why?
I would be a cat or a dog because I think they live like kings. 

Tell me something your family does (parents, brother, sister,…) which really annoys you.
What really annoys me is when my sister use my hair brush without my permission. 

Why do you thing people enjoy reading about the lives of celebrities and looking at their photos?
Because most of them are gossip. 

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