What things do you like and dislike about yourself?
I love my hair because it's pink! I like my way to solve problems, because I take it easy and I like my personality.
In the other hand I don't like my house, because it's too little. I don't like that I procrastinate so often and sometimes I'm shy and I don't like it.

Name 3 things you like and 3 things you hate about school. I like meet with my friends, learn interesting things and I like some subjects like philosophy and english. However I don't like do exams, do homework and also I hate wake up at 6:30 am.

Name 2 things you hate doing around the house.
I hate cleaning my house, such as wash the dishes, making my bed... and, in general, I don't like my house because I don't have enough space, is so little. 

Do you believe that people have really seen UFOs? Why/Why not? What other explanations could there be for Ufos sghitings?
No, I think that it's impossible. Because they don't exist. Maybe they saw a plane and mistook it for UFOs.

When was the last time you had an argument with your parents? Why?
Last week. Because I want to study a superior grade of dietetics but they don't allow me to do it, so we had an argument. 

What would you do if a friend gave you an expensive shirt that you thought was awful?
I wouldn't tell to him/her nothing. I would store it at the closet and never wear it.

Are you superstitious? Do you believe in ghosts? Explain.
No, I am not. I don't believe in ghosts because I think that is impossible. The spirit of someone can't manifest in our world, I guess.

Can men and women do all jobs equally well?
No, both brains are different to each other. Some tasks would fit better to a woman and other tasks to a man.

If we keep on polluting our environment, the world will disappear in 100 years. What can be done to preserve our environment?
You can share your car to other people (carpool). Use renewable energy or use public transport.

Have you ever been robbed/had a serious problem on a holiday? Explain.
Last summer a thief stole me a big pink diamond. The police never knowed who was. So I lost 1 million euros. 

How do you picture the world in 200 years from now? Explain.
I see a world with flying cars and teleporters. Maybe we could go to Mars and live there. I see houses under the sea and a lot of new species of animals.

Tell me a famous person you would like to meet. Why? How would you spend a day with him/her?
I wuld like to meet Ariana Grande, because is a great singer and I think that you can pass a good time with her. Yes, I would go shopping with her and eat in a restaurant.

Have you got enough freedom as a teenager. Do you tink your parents should be more or less strict. Explain. 
Yes, I think that I haven't got many restrictions. No, my parents are strict when it's necessary, but maybe they aren't strict enough. 

What are your plans for this year? How do you see yourself in 10 years time? Explain.
I don't have plans for this year.
In 10 years time I see me working in a hospital helping people with their problems and living in a futuristic house.

Imagine you take a gap year. Explain what you would do during that year.
I would pass all time laying on the sofa, sleeping and partying. Maybe I wuld go to Japan or USA.

What would you do if your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend were in love with you?
I would talk to him and explain that this isn't possible, but I wouldn't tell nothing to my best friend. 

What is the best film you have seen? What is the best book you have read? Explain your answer.
The best film I've ever seen is Matrix. I like the suspense and action films. My favourite book of all time is El Principe de la Niebla. I thought it was a good story, interesting, engaging for different subframes.

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