diumenge, 8 de febrer del 2015

Private schools

Anyone who has been a parent, will wont the best for their children and education as we know it nowadays may depend on the wealth of each family, so a frequently asked question when choosing a school for our children is to choose between a wide range of public and private schools.
First of all, a very high percentage of the population in Spain has been educated in public schools and universities with this we can see that we don’t need private education to maintain a highly educated workforce in our country.

Even though private education is well known to be better than the public one, this might be true in part. For example, in private schools teachers are more involved with students, so their attention to pupils tends to be higher. Another argument in favour is the discipline that teachers and environment teach you. You are more likely to be a right and just adult. 

If you could get a glimpse of life as it was in the past, where would you like to experience it?

If Icould get a glimpse of life as it was in the past I would go to Madrid to 50/60's. I would like to see how the city was at that time and see how people dressed. I would go to malls as "Galerias Preciado". All that curiosity is caused due to "Velvet". It is about the lifes of the people working in that fashion store.
After seeing Madrid I would also like to go to the time of my parents and see how they were when they were my age. Maybe we would become friends. I would like to be born in that era.

Describe your favourite shop

My favourite shop is Fashion Pills. It's an online shop and I like it a lot. It has got differents styles that I wear everyday. It's a bit pricey but it has good quality. The shipping is free and the packaging they send the clothes in is beautiful. I bought a pair of shoes and sunglasses.
I had a problem with the purchase but they contacted to me to solve it. They were friendl (I think this is an important point).
There are more online stores (Romwe, Sheinside, Asos..) but they are expensive or bad -quality. 

Gap year road

If I could take a gap year I would travel around the world For example, I would go to Japan and visit the tamples. I would go to New York, to Australia, to Los Angeles... Then I would go to all the parties of Catalonia. 
After all I would study English in a private school and move to London to work in a Starbucks café and try to be a model or to work in something related to fashion.
Finally, due to all my jobs, I will be rich and I will buy a new mansion with a pool.